Established in 1994, the Young Achiever Award from Monte Jade Science and Technology
Association Southeastern US (MJSTASE), is to recognize outstanding high school students
from the 11th and 12th grades as role models for young Chinese Americans. Awards are
given to students who exhibit exceptional performance in the following categories:
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Awards – sponsored by Monte Jade Scholarship Foundation and Hsu Scholarship Foundation founded by Mr. Kai Hsu – in recognition of students who has demonstrated overall excellence or exceptional accomplishments
Excel 360 Award – sponsored by Li Chuan Gates – in recognition of a well-rounded
student with outstanding achievements in multiple aspects
Leadership Award – sponsored by Ms. Jan Tung of IronCAD – in recognition of a student
who has made positive impact to the organizations/clubs or community he/she is active in
and has demonstrated a great deal of leadership
Community Service Award – sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Li Wang – in recognition of a
student who has made outstanding contributions to community service and has maintained
a strong academic standing
STEM Award – sponsored by American Chinese IT Association (ACIT) and Monte Jade
Science & Technology Scholarship Foundation – in recognition of a student who has made outstanding achievements in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
Special Talent Award – sponsored by Ms. Ting-Lan Chiu– in recognition of a student
whose talents have been refined to a high degree of skill and proficiency and, through
energetic application of these abilities, has demonstrated preeminence in a specific area of
accomplishment (i.e. visual arts, performing arts, music, sports, etc.)
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Awards 玉山臧伯駿伉儷青年獎學金
美東南玉山科技獎學基金會今年和徐凱先生創辦的徐氏獎 學基金會共同設立了玉山臧伯駿伉儷青年獎學金。本獎學金可以 視為臧伯駿伉儷青年獎學金的延伸,臧伯駿先生於2010年五月 頤享百年,其外孫玉山科技協會前理事長徐凱,感念外祖父一生 之中不計自身處境,極力奉獻社會、樂善好施、掖助後進晚學,為 承續先人懿德而創設臧伯駿伉儷青年獎學金。美東南玉山科技獎 學基金會感佩臧伯駿先生的慈善精神,今年和徐氏獎學基金會共 同合作開創玉山臧伯駿伉儷獎學金項目,好讓更多的華裔青年能 夠受惠。
MJSTASE Scholarship Foundation together with Hsu Scholarship Foundation established this year a new scholarship program - Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Award. This scholarship program is considered as a continuation of the Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Scholarship, which was established in 2010 to commemorate the life of Mr. Po Chun Tsang, the grandfather of former Monte Jade chairman, Kai Hsu. To further extend the legacy of Mr. Po Chun Tsang’s humanitarian efforts, two foundations create this new scholarship program to benefit more young Chinese descendants in the future.
MJSTASE YAA Selection Committee
We are very pleased to present the selection committee for the 2018 MJSTASE Young Achiever Awards. These accomplished individuals had the task of determining the finalist and winners in each category. It is a daunting task. We are honored to have this strong committee this year.

Dr. Timothy Hsu 許元庭, Chair
Dept. of Music and Art Technology
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

Dr. Frank C.F. Chiang 江政峰
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

Dr. KJ (Jim) Lee 李功俊
Director of Research
Applied Ceramics, Inc.

Dr. Ginger Chen 陳瑞雯
Retired Professor of Music
Georgia State University, Georgia Perimeter College

Dr. Chu-Chu Wu 吳珠菊
Assistant Professor
Georgia Southwestern State University
Past MJSTASE YAA Young Achiever Award
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Outstanding Award

Jessica Lao 劳纤淇 is a senior at the Westminster Schools in Atlanta, where she leads the quiz bowl team, Junior Classical League, Gender Equality Forum, and the largest club on campus, a 501(c)(3) for girls’ education called Circle of Women that raised $20,000 for a project in Peru last year. An avid writer and artist, Jessica has been published on the cover of New England Review, Alexandria Quarterly, Rising Phoenix Review, Just Poetry National Quarterly, and more, with her art to exhibit in Paris, Beijing, New York, and Nairobi. She hopes to pursue a future in teaching, criticism, or nonprofit management.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Excellence Award

Jason Song 宋喆 is a senior at Alpharetta High School. He is a business owner and programmer, managing an aquatics company that he started himself, and while doing a small amount of freelance programming on the side. He has run varsity cross country and track throughout all of high school, started his school’s Environmental club, and volunteered and helped organize many groups such as Key Club, FBLA, and ASLA. In his free time, Jason loves spending time outdoors running, camping, and hiking.
Excel 360 Award

Sylvia Tang 唐芸迤, a senior at Northview High School, is a student interested in research and has competed in the state level of Science Fair since 8th grade; she also interns at the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University conducting clinical research. She has also been playing piano for more than 10 years and has performed at Carnegie Hall multiple times. At her high school, Sylvia is the president of the Kaleidoscope Club, a community service club that emphasizes diversity in the community, as well as the Northview Chamber Music Society. She also enjoys dancing and playing violin.
Leadership Award

Jason Ling 凌杰胜 is a senior at Johns Creek High School and serves as State Secretary for Georgia Future Business Leaders, where he has competed and won multiple State and National awards- this past summer placing 2nd in the nation for Graphic Design. He also serves as President of Chamber Chorus and Tri-M Music Honors Society, and has participated in All State and All State Sight-Reading Chorus. At his church, ACCCN, he is Youth Praise Team Leader and a member of servant team and several mission teams. In his free time, you can probably find Jason sleeping.
Special Talent Award

Samuel Song 宋威立 is a senior at Johns Creek High School. Samuel has been a competitive swimmer for eight years. He has qualified twice for the prestigious USA Swimming Scholastic All-American program and will compete in the US Winter Junior National championships this year. Samuel also swims for his school varsity team, where he holds two school records. Besides swimming, Samuel has also played violin for eleven years and is a first-degree black-belt in Taido karate. His hobbies include Rubik’s cubing, learning to code, and making bad Star Wars puns. He hopes to study science or engineering in college.
STEM Award

Michelle Pang 庞潇潇 is a senior at Northview High. She is an AMC winner, AIME qualifier and Math Prize for Girls qualifier. She was selected to represent Georgia to compete in ARML 2018. She also received multiple local math competition awards. Michelle is currently the president of the Northview Math Club. She is also the president of the Northview Guide Club since sophomore year, a club dedicated to providing math tutoring to underprivileged students. Michelle enjoys playing tennis and has been a Northview tennis team member for three years. She is also an avid computer games coder, and some of her games were submitted to competitions. In her free time, Michelle enjoys reading, playing tennis, gaming, and coding.
Community Service Award

Cherry Gong 龚芊如 is a senior at Walton High School. She has been very involved throughout her high school career and is the captain of Speech and Debate, an executive officer of Orchestra, and the president of Chinese Language Society. In her free time, she loves to play piano, dance ballet, and bake for her peers. She has won numerous awards in dance and went to the 2016 CCTV Chinese New Year Gala. She has also recently taken up modeling and signed with SALT, one of the biggest modeling agencies in Atlanta. She has
been in Vogue Italia and walked for many runway shows and designers. She is currently working for a consulting firm downtown and hopes to major in business and become a
management consultant in the future.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Merit Award

Chloe Lee 李格祎, a senior at Peachtree Ridge High School, is the president of her school’s National Chinese Honor Society and National English Honor Society chapters. Her passions include writing, music composition, and photography — essentially, creating something out of nothing. She also enjoys playing badminton, having helped revive the Badminton Club at her school. She currently works at a math tutoring center, having fun educating and aiding students on their arithmetic journeys. As an advocate for Asian American representation, she strives to become a filmmaker that will break the boundaries of conventional filmmaking, share powerful stories, and inspire others.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Merit Award

Tiffany Huang 黃千庭 is a senior at The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology. As a part ofthe school’s Gwinnett Student Leadership Team (GSLT), she plays a big role in school activities, whether that be planning or participating. Through classes at school, she has developed a passion for all things related to digital art: animation, film, graphic design, photography. Her weekends are filled with practicing and playing softball- a loved sport since the age of 7. When Tiffany has free time, she often spends it writing in her journal to store memories for later.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Merit Award

Alyssa Zhang 張子璇 is a senior at Northview High School. She is president of her school’s chapter of National Art Honor Society, vice president of Beta Club, and has been elected to both student council and class council. Alyssa enjoys creating art, including painting, drawing, or mixed media, and has proved her talent with multiple awards both nationally and regionally in competitions such as the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and Beta Convention. An energetic and humorous girl, in herfree time, she can be found volunteering in the community, drawing while listening to music, or laughing with her friends.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Merit Award

Maggie Qiu 邱梦洁 is a senior at Johns Creek High School. She has a massive enthusiasm for music, math, and business. In her spare time, she plays the piano and the guitar. As a talented music composer, she has developed many meaningful, sensitive, and creative songs and music pieces. She enjoys doing community service and becomes the second vice-president of the Chinese-American Leo Club of Atlanta. She also loves to tutor peers in mathematics and to mentor students.
Monte Jade Po Chun and Chien Pin Tsang Merit Award

Yuxiao Liu 刘雨潇 is a junior at Northview High School. He was born in Beijing, China, and lived there for 14 years. As an AMC winner and AIME participant, he is extremely passionate towards Mathematics. Able to solve a Rubik’s Cube in 30 seconds, he is the founder and president of Northview Rubik’s Cube Club. Having interests in tutoring, he is the secretary of 121 Reach Club, where he teaches math and science in River Trail Middle School. He is also a member of FBLA club and placed 6th in the state level Intro to Business competition as a sophomore. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball. He was part of the Suwanee Sport Academy 10th grade Travel Team where he performed as a solid starting power forward.